Thursday, March 14, 2024

The Immortal Phoenix

The Phoenix with burning wings
Image by masadepan

The Phoenix is one of my most favourite mythological birds within the realm of magic and ancient lore, as it is a magical bird made entirely out of fire, and rebirths from its own ashes, but what more is there to this bird what's the lore behind it and is there anything else special about it?

The Phoenix:

The Phoenix is a very popular mythical bird within mythology, it was said to have came from a place know as paradise a world that exists past the sun. It is a sacred creature, a creature of many cultures, with different names from all around the world.


  • Phoenix - Greeks
  • Bennu - Egyptians
  • Feng-Huang - Chinese
  • Ho-o - Japanese
  • Firebird - Russia
  • Arabian Anka
  • The Georgian Paskunji
  • The Hindu Garuda
  • The Persian Simorgh
  • The Turkish Zumrudu Anka
  • The Tibetan Me byi  karmo
  • Yel - Native America

Phoenix Facts:

No matter what the Phoenix may be called around the globe, it will always be a spirit of the sun, due to it's fire being so fierce. In Egypt, the Egyptians considered the Phoenix to be the spirit of Ra, the sun god. It also has a lifespan where it can live up to age 500 to 1000. 

When the Phoenix reaches the end of its lifespan, it will begin to construct a nest made entirely out cinnamon, incense, spices, and twigs. The phoenix will then sing a song so beautiful that even the sun god will stop and listen to the haunting melody of the Phoenix' song. Once the song is finished the Phoenix will end, and a new Phoenix is reborn through its ashes.

The new Phoenix will then collect the ashes of its previous self into a single egg of myrrh. After embalming the ashes into a single egg, It will then travel to an ancient Egyptian city known as "Heliopolis" or "Sun City" what the Greeks called it, and deposit the egg there. The rebirth and return of the Phoenix was considered to be a good omen and being bathed within its sunlight was said to be a blessing. The Phoenix also has a very special power within its tears, its tears were said to have the ability to cure any injury, illness, infection, and even raise the dead.  Its feathers were also said to be able to bring out the truth in others, if a person were to hold a phoenix feather within their hand, and was asked a question of truth the feather would then detect if the person answered truthfully, if the person lied they would be burnt to ashes.

The Phoenix and the Beginning of the Universe:

Long ago before the universe existed, the legendary immortal Phoenix was there soaring across the sea of chaos. It then landed on a single pyramid of ground. Here it sang a beautiful song that began the creation of the universe itself.

The Identity of the Phoenix:

In comparison to the other birds within the magical realm of our universe, the Greeks considered the Phoenix as colourful cross between the peacock and an eagle. It was imagined to be heavier than a peacock, but much larger than the eagle. In Egypt the Phoenix was considered to be more heron and stork like.

As a being made of fire, it however evolved into a more eagle-like form with slim legs, sapphire blue eyes, a colourful plumage, and a beautiful long tail of red, gold and even yellow and orange. In other cultures the Phoenix was said that it's tail contained the colours of green, purple and blue feathers, it also had a very impressive wingspan.

According to legend, it was said that the Phoenix gave off pure, shining sunlight. It stood between three and four feet tall, and could also be as tall as a house. The Phoenix also had the ability to transform into any bird or even a human as well.


Wednesday, March 6, 2024

A New Beginning

Greetings my fellow adventurers to the world of your wildest imaginations!

 I welcome you all to Magic Quill; a blog I've created for you all to enjoy the wonderous stories and mythological facts that I have to share with you all. Ever since I was little, storytelling has always been a passion of mine, every day I would sit down with my toys and begin telling a story. My storytelling then developed into me telling stories through words on a page and then finally through fine arts.

My storytelling is inspired by my deep interest in ancient history, particularly Ancient Greek Mythology, Roman Mythology, Thracian, Egyptian, and Norse. I also have a love for those beautiful fairytales we've either all listened to or read as a child or heard and read the more dark and twisted versions of them as soon as we became much older.

Here in my blog, I am here to share with you all not only the stories I come up with in my mind, but also the untold versions of the stories, I will also be sharing my knowledge about ancient mythology, and if you have any recommendations, please let me know in the comment section.

Now my fellow adventurers lets sit down and gather around the campfire for a wonderful adventure within the world of myths, legends, magic and imagination!

The Immortal Phoenix

Image by masadepan The Phoenix is one of my most favourite mythological birds within the realm of magic and ancient lore, as it is a magical...